Wednesday 5 April 2023

Photo Collage

This is my photo collage about me. We had to make a collage with some of our

favourite things. It had to include our favourite colour, animal, flower/plant, water, season and time of day.

My photo collage includes my name, Chloe. For my favourite colour I chose a light blue because I think it is a very pretty colour. My favourite animal is a turtle. I like turtles because I like the way that they look and they live in the ocean and I think the ocean is a cool place. Hopefully one day I will be able to go swimming with some turtles. My favorite type of water is the ocean because I think its a very cool place since it looks so pretty and there are millions of interesting animals that live there. My favourite flower/plant is a tulip because they are very pretty. They also grow in a variety of different colours which I think is very cool. My favourite time of day is the evening. I love when I can have a shower and get comfy pjs on and eat dinner. My favourite dinners would have to be either pizza or pasta. I also like the evening because I think sunsets are so pretty. In the evening it’s also a time where I can get comfy and watch a movie or some tv show. My favourite season is summer. I love summer because its a good time to go hang out at the beach and there are fun more activities that you could do with friends or family. Also in the summer you get a long break off of school. The weather is normally really good in the summer although some times I feel like I’m dying from the heat. 

These are the reasons why I chose each picture. A sunset picture for the evening, a picture of the beach for my favourite water. The picture of a turtle is for my favourite animal. Another picture of the beach for the summer. Tulips for my favourite flowers and a light blue for my favourite colour. From my pictures you can tell I love the colour blue and the ocean.