Friday 26 March 2021

sitting at the front of the school - writing

 Sitting at the front of the school
The bright hot sun shone over us as we sat on the bumpy hard concrete. I saw heaps of white vans zoom past us. BANG, I heard a cop banging on someones door but no one answered. Little tiny annoying bugs   kept on attacking me. My arm felt sore after slapping the bugs off my arm. A old man walked past with some cool black shades on. The sky was light blue with a few white fluffy clouds. I smelt the fresh air under my nose. Draco ran quickly from around the corner with this hair flying everywhere. I was ready to get off the rocky hard concrete.

Ōtaki College

Thursday 11 March 2021

Royal Flush - Writing

 Royal Flush

The bright hot sun shone on us as they ran up to collect the cards. I smelt the fresh air surrounding me. My team members were Danielle, Jam, Nikora and Rangitunoa. As Jam was running back to our team, he fell straight on his face. Once Nikora got back to our team we realised we had been collecting the wrong cards. We were supposed to be getting spades but instead we were collecting clubs. After that I was 100% sure we were going to lose, Cars zoomed past as we played the game. The bright light blue sky had very few light blue fluffy clouds. I wondered when it was going to be over?

What Are the Features of a Standard Deck of Cards?