Friday 10 November 2023

Power Project - week 1

This week was the first week of our new project, Power to the People. We are doing this project to research about power and present to people what we have learnt. I am in a group with Danielle, Tama and Joseph. Our main question for our project is "How much power could wind turbines in Otaki produce in a year?" 

1. What have you achieved/learned/found out? I have learnt about why wind turbines

2. How effectively have you used your time this week? I think I used time effectively.

3. How have you contributed to your group’s progress? Lots of researching and adding to our groups slideshow.

4. Glows: something that is going well in your project: We have all contributed something.

5. Grows: Something you need to work on: Staying on task, it is very boring research power for 2 hours straight when I have no passion for it.

6. What are the next steps for your project? More research and start making a model wind turbine.

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